..............beautiful, vibrant, a riot of colors in the garden!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Life of a Peony Grower

Got awakened at 1:29 this morning by the heavy rain downpour. Immediately, my reaction was I hope it won't rain too much as I just planted lots and lots of peony roots! And these roots can rot from too much water.

I can totally empathize with the life of a farmer now. Their farms are only partially in their control. Nature has the biggest control over it. Rain, extreme cold weather, too hot a climate. Now, we've these events portrayed in the movies. We've felt for the people in the stories, But when the movie was over, that was it. Living first hand the concern, having something at stake - that's a different story.

My crew and I have been preparing the additional planting spot for the peonies for over a month now, planted a great majority of the peony roots, and preparing for the weed control aspect.

In the meantime, we are also re-purposing 2 garden beds originally created to be a full sun, drought resistant bed into a display garden for peonies. Which meant taking out a lot of plants -grasses, sage and similar plants. In other words, lots of digging, relocating plants, adding new soil, re-shaping the beds and finally, planting the peonies.

A visitor to the Peony Farm and I were talking aobut it, and she said "keeping your eyes on the vision of a beautiful garden is what keeps gardeners like us going and moving forward even with all the hard work involved".

She said is just so. That is the life of the gardener!

And as a peony grower, its sharing a Passion for Peonies and creating a garden that visitors will enjoy and find beauty in; beauty that would inspire them to create their own beautiful peony garden.

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